Sóller village, things to do in Sóller?

Sóller Village Uncovered: Must-See Attractions and Activities

Getting to Sóller

Reaching Sóller is part of the adventure. You can take a scenic train ride from Palma, the island’s capital, aboard the historic Sóller Train. This vintage wooden train has been running since 1912 and offers breathtaking views of the Serra de Tramuntana mountains. Alternatively, you can drive, which gives you the flexibility to explore at your own pace. The journey through the winding mountain roads is equally stunning but be prepared for some hairpin turns.

Historical Background of Sóller

Sóller’s history dates back to the 13th century when it was a prosperous town thanks to its flourishing agriculture. The Moors left a significant mark on the town’s architecture and irrigation systems. Over the centuries, Sóller has seen influences from various cultures, including the French, which is evident in some of the town’s architectural styles and local customs.

Exploring the Town Center

At the heart of Sóller lies Plaça Constitució, a lively square surrounded by charming cafes and shops. The square is dominated by the striking Church of Sant Bartomeu, an architectural marvel with its baroque and modernist elements. Strolling through the town center, you’ll encounter narrow cobblestone streets, traditional Mallorcan houses, and plenty of local boutiques selling handmade crafts and products.

The Famous Sóller Tram

A ride on the Sóller Tram is a must-do experience. This tramway connects Sóller to its port, Port de Sóller, and has been in operation since 1913. The journey offers a unique perspective of the town and its surrounding countryside, passing through orange groves and offering glimpses of the azure sea.

Day Trips from Sóller

Sóller is an excellent base for exploring other parts of Mallorca. The nearby village of Fornalutx, often cited as one of the most beautiful villages in Spain, is worth a visit. The coastal town of Deia, known for its artistic community and stunning views, is also nearby. For a bit of adventure, take a boat trip to Sa Calobra and the Torrent de Pareis gorge.

Accommodation in Sóller

Whether you’re looking for luxury or budget-friendly options, Sóller has a variety of accommodations to suit your needs. From charming boutique hotels like Hotel La Vila to luxurious stays at the Gran Hotel Sóller, you’ll find something that fits your preferences. For a more local experience, consider staying at an ‘agroturismo’ – a rural farmhouse offering a peaceful retreat.

Sóller’s Culinary Delights

Sóller es un paraíso para los amantes de la comida. La cocina local es una deliciosa mezcla de sabores tradicionales mallorquines con un toque de influencia francesa. No pierdas la oportunidad de probar especialidades locales como el ‘pa amb oli’ (pan con aceite de oliva, tomate y jamón), la ‘fideuà’ (una paella de fideos) y las famosas gambas de Sóller. Para un capricho dulce, deléitese con la ‘ensaimada’, una masa en forma de espiral espolvoreada con azúcar en polvo. 

Museos y galerías de arte

Los entusiastas del arte y la cultura encontrarán mucho que explorar en Sóller. El Museo del Modernismo Can Prunera está ubicado en un edificio modernista bellamente conservado y presenta obras de artistas como Picasso y Kandinsky. El Museo Balear de Ciencias Naturales, ubicado dentro del Jardí Botànic, ofrece información fascinante sobre la historia natural de la isla.

Natural Attractions in Sóller

Los amantes de la naturaleza estarán en su elemento en Sóller. Las montañas circundantes de la Serra de Tramuntana ofrecen numerosas rutas de senderismo y ciclismo con impresionantes vistas. El Jardí Botànic, situado en las afueras de la ciudad, muestra una colección diversa de especies de plantas mediterráneas y es un lugar tranquilo para dar un paseo tranquilo.

Puerto de Sóller

A un corto trayecto en tranvía se encuentra el Puerto de Sóller, un puerto pintoresco con un ambiente relajado. Aquí podrá relajarse en la playa de arena, realizar un recorrido en barco para explorar las calas cercanas o disfrutar de mariscos frescos en uno de los restaurantes frente al mar. El puerto deportivo también es un gran lugar para practicar deportes acuáticos como kayak y remo.

Festivales y Eventos

Sóller alberga varios festivales vibrantes durante todo el año. En mayo, la Fira y el Firo de Sóller celebran la historia de la ciudad con recreaciones de la batalla de 1561 contra los piratas, música tradicional y bailes. La Fiesta de la Naranja en junio rinde homenaje a los famosos cítricos de Sóller con desfiles, degustaciones y actividades culturales.

Shopping in Sóller

Para vivir una experiencia de compras única, explore los mercados locales y las boutiques de Sóller. El mercado de los sábados en Plaça Constitució es un gran lugar para encontrar productos frescos, artesanía hecha a mano y recuerdos. Busque productos elaborados con madera de olivo local, las famosas naranjas de Sóller y mermeladas y conservas artesanales.




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Where is it?

Sóller is situated in the northwest of Mallorca, in a valley surrounded by mountains. It borders the municipalities of Deià, Fornalutx, Bunyola and Escorca.

Due to the difficulties of moving to other parts of the island, the Solleriks traded for many years by sea with France, where they exported oranges, lemons and olives, and from there they brought a French flavour that is still very present in the aesthetics and character of the people.


Palma Airport is 35 kilometres from Sóller and one of the busiest airports in Spain with the best connections to important European cities.

There are several ways to get to Sóller from Son San Joan airport: The fastest but not the cheapest way is by taxi, it takes about 30 minutes and costs you about 45 euros.

You can also take a bus from the airport. Line 1 connects you to Palma in only 15 minutes and costs 3 euros.

Once in Palma, you should walk about 400 meters to the central bus station, where you can catch a 210 or 211, which takes you to the centre of Sóller in 30 minutes.

Another way to get to Sóller from Palma is to take the over one hundred year old train at Plaza de España station.

What can you see in SÓLLER?


One of the most important activities you can do in Mallorca is an impressive train trip to Sóller.

Travelling with it means feeling that you have been transferred in time. Its jolt takes you back to 1912, when it was inaugurated.

In the Sóller train, you can appreciate the wooden wagons that have been carefully maintained, pampered and restored by craftsmen.

This centuries-old railway daily connects the capital of Mallorca, Palma, with the centre of Sóller. This is one of the most beautiful excursions on the island for couples or families, and it is a great attraction for children.

A journey through time takes you through the Serra de Tramuntana, where you can admire the hundred-year-old olive trees that adorn the mountains.

Since 1912 the route has passed through the Serra d’Alfabia: 496 metres high, thirteen tunnels, several bridges, a viaduct (five arches give this viaduct its name) and numerous bends.

During the one hour journey the traveller enjoys a magnificent view, a unique landscape of the Serra de Tramuntana mountains, which leads through numerous tunnels, bridges and a viaduct and ends with an impressive view of the beautiful valley of Sóller.

The trains stop along the way so that you can capture your experiences with the camera in particularly beautiful places.

Tram Soller - Puerto de Soller

You can take the tram directly from the same stop as Sóller station.

This beautiful old tram was inaugurated in 1913 and runs in less than half an hour between the village of Sóller and the port.

The route goes through orange and lemon plantations, always overlooking the mountains arround the valley, to the port of Sóller.

On the last part of the route the tram borders the beach and runs along the pedestrian promenade full of bars and restaurants where you can eat the best paellas and fresh fish.

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Tranvia en la plaza

Can Prunera

Can Prunera is almost at the end of Calle de la Luna.
Discover a museum of modern art where you can visit changing exhibitions and the Juli Ramis Palau room, where there is a permanent exhibition.

It is a gigantic Mallorcan house with a noble staircase and three floors, built in 1909.

The house has been restored to its original splendour. Here visitors will find period furniture, stained glass, paving and gardening in keeping with the original design.

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Church of San Bartolomé

On your arrival in Sóller, in the Plaza de la Constitución, you will find the Cathedral, the impressive parish church of Sant Bartomeu.
It is a Baroque building whose modernist façade, designed in 1904 by the architect Joan Rubió, dominates the square.
The tower, built in 1236, has been enriched throughout history with several important buildings, the neo-Gothic bell tower, remains of Romanesque portals and windows around its foundations. You can also see part of the walled fortress built in the 16th century after the attack and plunder of the village by the Turks in 1561.


Built on the former property of Ca’n Mayol (1606), you can stroll through the hall, along the platforms and hear the train guard announcing departures with his hunting horn, you feel transported back in time to the years 1911-1912, when the train was built and inaugurated.

On the façade is the tombstone dedicated to Don Jerónimo Estades, the patron of the Sóller Railway.

The Calle de la Luna

Don’t miss a visit to Calle de La Luna, which can be reached from the same square. It is a shopping street where you will find the best food and all kinds of handicrafts typical of the island.

Make sure you visit the Casa de la Luna, whose façade dates back to the fifteenth century, a typical folk building with a marès figure (a limestone typical of the island) representing a moon.

Carrer de sa lluna

Bank of Sóller

Banc de soller

Also on the Plaza de Constitución is another modernist building by Joan Rubió and Bellver.

El Banco de Sóller was founded in 1899 as a financial institution with the aim of preserving the property of returning emigrants who had emigrated to France and America to seek their fortune.

This building is characterized by its decorative elements and forms a unit with the church of San Bartolomé.

The municipal market

An obligatory visit to the town market, built by architect Francesc Cerdó and inaugurated in 1952.

It is a functional building with a polygonal floor plan with several entrances and a portico corridor where you will find all kinds of local products, oranges and tomatoes from Soller and fresh fish directly from the boats in the port of Sóller.

Mercado soller



It was in 1985 that this modernist palace housed the Natural History Museum.

Here you will find exclusive and permanent exhibitions on the zoology, botany and geology of Mallorca.

The outdoor botanical garden is a reference point for the collection of plants native to Mallorca, the Mediterranean and other Spanish islands such as the Canary Islands.

Port of Sóller

The port of Sóller is the largest on the north-west coast of Mallorca.

There are two beaches, one on each side of the bay. Playa de’n Repic, with golden sand, is 270 metres long, has parasols and sunbeds for rent and is very popular with families with small children.

Playa des Través is the closest beach to the harbour, where you can rent pedal boats, paddle boards or kayaks.

The tram runs directly along this beach, where you will find numerous restaurants where you can enjoy the most characteristic dishes of Mallorcan gastronomy.

Llauts puerto soller

Things to do in Sóller?

Atardecer llucalcari

North coast

The port is also the starting point for the best maritime excursions in the north of Mallorca.

This is an essential activity if you want to observe the natural beauty of the Serra de Tramuntana from the sea and bathe in crystal clear turquoise waters while enjoying an authentic Mediterranean experience.

Several boats from Barcos Azules depart daily from the port quay and make excursions to nearby bays such as Sa Calobra, Torrent de Pareis, Cala Tuent or sa Foradada.

You can also opt for an of-route charter and visit the more exclusive spots on board a comfortable boat.

cartel estacion soller

Excursions in Sóller

In Sóller there are numerous hiking trails and excursions available.

In fact, walking is one of the most popular attractions for people who visit the valley of Sóller.

One of the easiest excursions is a walk to the neighbouring village of Fornalutx. 7 kilometres separate the two municipalities, which should be included in every list of “Activities in Mallorca”.

Also worth a visit is the hiking path that connects Deià to Sóller. It takes about 4.5 hours to complete this hike, which has no equal.The name “camino de los pintores” is only a suggestion of what the hiker will find.

The itinerary allows you to see examples of the houses of the Tramuntana mountain range with their olive groves and orchards.

Sa torre picada

Torre Picada

If you are looking for an easier but no less impressive excursion, we recommend you to go to Torre Picada. This is an old watchtower northeast of the port of Sóller and was part of the defensive system to protect the island from attacks.

To get to Torre Picada, you must follow a small path that begins at Calle Bélgica in the port of Sóller.

The tower stands on a cliff from which you can enjoy a fantastic view of the coast and the Mediterranean.

Cartel GR221

Sóller: a paradise for walkers and hikers

Another great attraction that will offer you unforgettable pictures is the climb to the Barranc de Biniaraix.

The excursion begins at the small village of Biniaraix, a popular architectural ensemble of unique beauty where the visitor feels as if they have returned to the past.

The ravine, declared a cultural heritage, offers spectacular cliffs with a stone path that crosses several bridges and follows the famous “Pedra en sec” route.

Excursions that may interest you:


Cala Tuent


Charters personalizados


Sa Calobra




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